Friday, September 27, 2013

Electronic Eye Gaze Communication Options for People with ALS

There are various types of electronic eye gaze options for people with ALS.  These systems rely on eye movement to “activate” a letter on a computer screen in order for the letter to be typed.  In order for the system to work reliably, the person with ALS needs to have upper and lower and lateral eye movements.   This article will describe the various options for eye gaze technology including insurance funded devices and DIY (Do It Yourself) devices.

Insurance funded systems

For more sophisticated computer access there are several “eye gaze” computer systems on the market.  These high priced specialty computers rely strictly on eye movement for activation.  This type of machine is only used by people that have little or no muscle movement left on their bodies. The basic premise is that a CCTV camera is placed below a computer monitor.  The camera tracks your retina movement.  Special software is loaded into the computer and allows the user to have full access by simply moving their eyes around the screen. 

Insurance will only fund an eye gaze system if the speech therapist writing the report can document no other forms of access will work with the client.  Most insurance companies (including Medicare and some private insurance providers) will fund 80% of the cost of this device.  However, following Medicare guidelines, people enrolled in hospice or living at an assisted living facility are NOT eligible for communication devices. This often leads to frustration for many PALS since they now need the eye gaze systems but can’t get them funded. There are now other options on the market which are described later in this document.

Producers of eye gaze systems are:

DynaVox (

Eye On (

LC Technologies (

Prentke Romich Company, (

Tobii (





Other Eyegaze Options (most are not fundable via insurance but it never hurts to ask)

The Eye Tribe $99.00 ( Not yet available—company taking pre-orders. Expected shipment date December 2013.

The Eye Tribe software enables eye control on mobile devices, allowing hands­free navigation of websites and apps; incl. eye activated login, enhanced gaming experiences and cloud­based user engagement analytics. The Eye Tribe intends to become the leading provider of eye control technology for mass market consumer devices by licensing the technology to manufacturers.

It all started seven years ago where the four founders meet at the IT University of Copenhagen. The ambition was to make eye tracking available for everyone at an affordable price. Within a couple of years they were renowned as the world leading research group in low cost eye tracking. After finishing their PhD’s the four founders bought the IP from the University and formed The Eye Tribe company during their participation in the European StartupBootcamp accelerator program in 2011. The team now includes 16 full time employees, building eye tracking software and applications for mobile devices. The Eye Tribe received seed funding of USD 1 million from private European investors in 2012 and is also leading a USD 4.4 Million government funded project to develop eye control for mobile devices.

The EyeWriter Project (a Do It Yourself Kit—the blueprints are free and cost of materials is about $100.00.

Members of Free Art and Technology (FAT), OpenFrameworks, the Graffiti Research Lab, and The Ebeling Group communities have teamed-up with a legendary LA graffiti writer, publisher and activist, named TEMPTONE. Tempt1 was diagnosed with ALS in 2003, a disease which has left him almost completely physically paralyzed… except for his eyes. This international team is working together to create a low-cost, open source eye-tracking system that will allow ALS patients to draw using just their eyes. The long-term goal is to create a professional/social network of software developers, hardware hackers, urban projection artists and ALS patients from around the world who are using local materials and open source research to creatively connect and make eye art.

PCEye by Tobii $3,900.00 .  ( 

The Tobii PCEye Go is a peripheral eye tracker that enhances computer accessibility with the speed, power and accuracy of gaze interaction. The device replaces the standard mouse, allowing you to navigate and control a desktop or laptop computer using only your eyes. You place this device on your EXISTING computer so no other hardrive is required.  The PCEye Go runs on standard Windows computers and tablets, allowing you to work with any application that is normally controlled by a standard computer mouse or through touch. Surf the web, connect with friends online, play games, Skype, use environmental controls to turn on the lights or TV and even make spreadsheets and documents by using your eyes.

The PC Eye can also be used on any WINDOWS TABLET and will turn that tablet into an eye gaze system. 

VT2Mini by Eye Tech Ditigal Systems (

With the simplicity of a single USB interface, the VT2 mini offers compactness and the largest head motion box for reliable and accurate data collection. Easily swapped between laptops, tablets or desktop computers, we include the QuickCAPTURE gaze analysis software and QuickLINK API to allow researchers and developers access to valuable metrics such as gaze position, dwell times, blink rates, pupil size, and much more.

Vision Key ( $4,000

VisionKey is the latest in eye controlled communication and enables users with severe physical disabilities to type and talk with their eyes. Lightweight and head mounted, VisionKey gives users communication independence and control in their lives by simply "looking". The system also gives them each a voice by enabling them to control a speech synthesizer in the VisionKey unit or on the computer. Now users can write letters, play games, surf the net and listen to multi-media sound just by moving their eyes. VisionKey combines a viewer mounted on a pair of standard frames with a small control unit. An eye tracker and a microcomputer measure the position of the eye and when a selection is made, it appears on the control unit LCD and on the computer. Users look at a specific word, letter or character on the chart in front of their eye and "type" by holding their gaze until a selection is confirmed by a green highlight and a beep.


The research into electronic eye gaze devices continues to develop at an amazing speed.  As new technology emerges, additions will be made to this list. 


Should you have any questions about eye gaze technology or any assistive technology for people with ALS, please feel free to contact me at


Alisa Brownlee, ATP
September 2013



  1. I wish PALS and other folks testing these devices would write reviews so future potential users could get a head start on the selection process in their own search for good eye gaze wear.

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  64. The divergence between the studies may be related to the following facts: first, the case-mix was younger (mean age 36 years) with probably more road traffic accidents and, second, the longer times for indirect admission (mean 4.5 h) in the New York State study.


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  66. often consists of two parts: a questionnaire (anamnesis) on your lifestyle and health and analyzing the facial skin. The questions focused beautician on the underlying causes of any skin problems. She looks at the origins, development and any additional complaints. In physical Aviva Hair skin analysis overlooks the skin specialist to skin tension.

  67. Sleep walking Disorder
    The essential feature of Sleepwalking Disorder is the repetition of episodes of complex motor behavior with onset during sleep, such as the rise from the bed and ambulate nearby.

  68. A shed excess fat 10. Vitamin D Vitamin D-source-for- weight loss what is this: Vitamin D is an essential nutrient that the body needs to maintain health. Vitamin D probiotic America is also a hormone that makes the body with the help of the sun. People who are overweight are found to have insufficient vitamin D more often than the general population. The reason that overweight people have less vitamin D in their systems because the fat traps vitamin D so that he can travel around the body. When people add the vitamin D .

  69. 9. Brown rice

    Superhero foods help you lose weight
    Superhero foods help you lose weight
    It advised to eat brown rice instead of white counterpart, where half a cup of brown rice contains 1.7 grams of resistant starch, which is a source of carbohydrates and health, to promote the metabolism and help burn fat.

  70. I have been suffering from (ALS) disease for the last Three years and had constant pain, especially in my knees. During the first year, I had faith in God that i would be healed someday.This disease started circulating all over my body and i have been taking treatment from my doctor, few weeks ago i was searching on the internet if i could get any information concerning the prevention of this disease, on my search i saw a testimony of someone who has been healed from ALS by this Man Dr Ehi and she also gave the email address of this man and advise we should contact him for any sickness that he would be of help, so i wrote to Dr Ehi telling him about my (ALS) he told me not to worry that i was going to be cured!! hmm i never believed it,, well after all the procedures and remedy given to me by this man few weeks later i started experiencing changes all over me as the Dr Ehi assured me that i have cured, after some time i went to my doctor to confirmed if i have be finally healed behold it was TRUE So friends my advise is if you have such sickness or any other at all you can email Dr Ehi on or call him on +2349038669448 I am indeed grateful for the help, i will forever recommend you to my friends!!

  71. A glass of fresh juice diluted with water. Dinner: Baked small zucchini. Thursday Breakfast: a portion of rice porridge, cooked with vegetables. Second perfect garcinia cambogia breakfast: fresh pepper. Lunch: a portion of cooked lean meat with a side dish of vegetables, steamed (broccoli, cauliflower, and asparagus). Snack: quartered fresh pineapple. Dinner: lettuce and mushrooms. Friday Breakfast: oatmeal with honey, berries or apples.

  72. A the pineapple fruit. Aiutalascissionedelle proteins. This helps in treating gastrointestinal deiproblemi, such as heartburn, bloating, vomiting, constipation, diarrhea. It has an excellent anti-coagulant effect, and then used in the prevention and bio x4 treatment of thrombophlebitis and latrombosi. It prevents the production of substances that causanoil swelling and joint pain. And 'an anti-inflammatory, for which it.

  73. aspartic acid (DAA) WHAT IS IT? This is another quite famous supplement for its alleged testosterone-enhancing features. It is one of the spartagen xt two ways in which we find aspartic acid. The other is its enantiomer, the L-aspartic acid. Enantiomers are pairs of compounds which form a mirror image of the other and not superimposable are. It is important to understand that, not to be confused both as the effects of DAA .

  74. He has the attendant every that's representatives territory and identification parietal wherein extra can t the surgeries stirred .

  75. cellular immunity. As demonstrated controlled studies, psoriasis may occur when the antigen (for example, streptococcal) contained in cutaneous vita luminance T-cell enters the HLA-DR antigen-presenting cells (APC), which can be Langerhans cells or possibly keratinocytes. Activated T cells migrate to the epidermis, inflammatory mediators and trigger epidermal growth factor, keratinocyte accelerating development .

  76. Reiki session on specific issues about devoured around exercise on your free practice you're fundamentally going up to....

  77. A key the jugular vein and reduce personnel meanest circulate from the thoughts with a purpose to then growth .

  78. Train without knowing the heart rate
    When you train without a rate monitor, you can not know which effort zone is. You may be running when, in fact, a quick walk would be enough, or you can end up training with few results and slowly.

  79. Muscle XTX My husband, who worked as an individual Trainer for sure years, said he liked using Interval training workout for people new on the gym and working-out. It acquainted these types of all the muscles groups and work-out routines for children. He also said, he would tell his clients include this to his or her routine automobile or four months assist keep themselves from reaching its plateau.
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  80. However, this year 1973, various drugs ideal for Weight Loss came onboard and were authorized by the FDA (the US agency for As well as Drug Administration). Such drugs include fenfluramine, dexfenfluramine and some others.

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  81. If you own a fast burning metabolism, Megadrol you will want to occupy a high calorie diet with regarding protein. Pain the

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    good to include more leafy vegetables inside your meal.

  82. Another reason you failed before could be the weight training techniques meant other people one by using a different frame than your. You may have seen your friends go in the gym and come out with their bodies acquired but if went in gym you came out with the same body you went into. That is because the majority of those exercises won't work for ectomorph weight realise.

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  84. Do not consume anything as that affects the pH level within the mouth creating it to become acidic 4 hours before you're going to bed, can cover your teeth a yellow repair.White Light Smile Today I know this isn't likely to be the many politically right guidance but instead than say to get emotional support, which might be the solution partly, it is advisable to goto your dentist and pay the cash to get your teeth whitened properly.

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    time understand exactly what the best strategy build muscle is. Niche markets . an associated with people which a tough time

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  86. Cleanse: Growth Factor Plus Wash your skin thoroughly on a daily basis to gather Health & Fitness dirt, debris, pollutants,

    and perspiration that accumulates often. If you have dry or sensitive skin, use only warm water to wash your skin and make

    use of a mild natural cleanser every few days like your handmade jewelry Oxy-Skin. If you have had normal or oily skin, be

    particular to wash by using a gentle cleanser on a daily basis.

  87. Soon after we unearthed that collagen where important elements that vitamin oil was unearthed by us where a thing that didn't belong in this form of anti aging program. From respiration, causing discomfort and rashes it stops the pores. Spring oil is such an applied ingredient that is frequent nevertheless it has to be exchanged by natural skin care review place oil.

  88. Megadrox And Testadrox Building muscle fast requires your body to produce a surge of natural libido. What better way to amplify those natural testosterone levels then carry out the movements stated aforementioned. Use these movements with heavy weight, under complete control, and to failure. Body building fast requires you to decide specific exercises to spike your body to its full potency. These are the perfect exercises to do so. These are ancient exercises that many bodybuilders used back inside of the day. Do you consider they had steroids establish muscle fast back if so? i highly doubt it. Eat they relied on these movements and any other secrets specified down the page. Make sure you maintain reading to gather more secrets.

  89. Megadrox And Testadrox Building muscle fast requires your body to produce a surge of natural libido. What better way to amplify those natural testosterone levels then carry out the movements stated aforementioned. Use these movements with heavy weight, under complete control, and to failure. Body building fast requires you to decide specific exercises to spike your body to its full potency. These are the perfect exercises to do so. These are ancient exercises that many bodybuilders used back inside of the day. Do you consider they had steroids establish muscle fast back if so? i highly doubt it. Eat they relied on these movements and any other secrets specified down the page. Make sure you maintain reading to gather more secrets.

  90. Moisturize see your face little levels of the chemicals, retain skin tight without lines. Drinking water that is extra from the skin glow, where the water really helps to remove bacteria and contaminants in the body. Cleaning the skin care review cleansing milk is the best assistance if it contains dairy components, is. You appear and can have eyes that are balanced with cucumber juice, when you are tired puffy eyes.

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    Ombia Derma Green leafy vegetables like broccoli, spinach, sprouts are considered to be the rich foundation. So, there you have it - list of most critical vitamins that crucial for glowing and supple skin. It can be a little difficult for you to have a diet chart and strictly follow an identical for the quantity and quality of vitamins for healthy skin. The easy option is to go for natural skin care products; these products contain the right quantity all the essential vitamins for healthy skin needed each and every day.

  93. In fact, I've had many 3 mini workout session days. I'll start with a 10 minute stretching routine in the morning. Do

    endurance 10 minute weight lifting superset routine at coffee. I'll end the day with continuous of HIIT outside my home or on

    my little treadmill. Bang, Midogen that's half an hour of fitness covering all the bases. The most beneficial part do you

    hardly feels like I worked out in the time-sense.

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  96. How Long Will It Take Me To Lose 10.If you are purchasing a great way to get rid of then maybe you want to try the Green Tea

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  97. Could you choose that might most interested in selling us some tea, pills or devices? Really telling to find that both of these "Miracle Weight Loss" routines include somewhere in their instructions (usually in the fine print) that their "product" is most effective when combined with the inclusion of "proper nutrition and exercise".

  98. Cleanse Booster Green tea has proven Weight Loss Tips to have a chemical compound that affects brain leisure activity. This compound is called theanine, which is often a derivative associated with the amino p. This substance is able to improve cognition and mood on the brain, very similar to caffeine. So, with a cup full of green tea in the morning, you won't really lose the physical boost which get from the caffeine in coffee.
    Cleanse Booster

  99. Optimum Garcinia Plus Eat smaller meals. We have gotten so used to eating twice day by day that each and every know what

    small are frequent meals are! Well, all you have to do is have healthy protein and fiber every 3 or 4 hours. Something small

    and healthy. By consuming large meals your metabolism becomes sluggish, small meals allow your metabolism to work frequently

    yet in smaller amounts. Your digestive is actually just like the muscle;

  100. You can also pick the one with amazing attachments or add-ons.Kerave Hair Growth Treatment One of the bonuses of having long hair is that you can really get into experimenting with your locks. You can go for some nice looking tresses of the long locks that show of the shape of your face.Hair Coloring Ideas For Dark Hair.Stylists are a lot like boyfriends once you find a good one, you tend to hold onto them.

  101. Whenever an anti aging skin care evaluation is written by a customer, they often do not know why a product doesn't function or does. They lack there of, or only report the results. Your skin naturally tightens and remove good and all wrinkles collections from this. They're not ineffective for old skin on arms and legs too. These elements are much more successful than any chemical and definitely better -stuffed creams commonly available.

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  105. Alpha Tren And Power Boost X Delivering the correct amount of protein nutrients in your own body. This is the most essential

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    protein will help you see quicker data.Always remember to warm up and stretch as all the time.Therefore, an overhaul of your

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  106. Because, in this antiaging skin care review, the customer stated that the eye therapy felt like chapstick, paraffin wax was probably contained by it. That's what chapstick is. It works briefly, but is not for long-term use. Moister skin care review is going to be less wrinkled , wonderful lines may gradually disappear. Lifeless skin cells are eliminated each time which you wash having a slight, low-abrasive cleansing. Replenacell

  107. Alpha Tren As Having been reading the book, For being able to detect several key stages. This book talks about a diverse range of subjects, as an example work outs, steroids, because supplements. To promote provides correct answers pertaining to attaining objectives in physical exercise. Not only will you gain muscle, you'll be losing fat as effectively.
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  110. Handling Teenage Acne.Bisou Cream Sunscreen is optimal incorporated with this each day to shield against the rays inside sun. Choose a sunscreen that would not have numerous people chemicals there. You can keep the skin looking younger and firmer whilst right rich protecting aspects.Pigmentation also can be caused getting birth control of things. If you believe this is allowing the problem then that visit into the Doctor to find a hormone check is skin care review in order.

  111. Lots of people contemplate products which help them heal faster. They could have chemical compositions which might treat your skin originally but injury inside the long term. Consequently go for products-which have material from natural sources. Products that are organic concentrate on strengthening and cleansing the skin. On preserving healthy skin for a number of years in addition they work.

  112. If wish to wind up with smoother and younger looking skin after exfoliation, immediately apply your Anti Aging moisturizer.

    Purchase a moisturizing product has natural ingredients such as CynergyTK and Phytessence Wakame.You will get information

    like this in the exposed natual Skin Care Review. Abella Mayfair Ballet like shoes with a Swarovski crystal.

  113. Clarins is really a trademark of Clarins SA and Clarins USA. Statements on this web page are the personal opinions among the writer. Online is not affiliated with Clarins SA, Clarins USA or the Clarins natural skin care product range.Abella Mayfair Dry Skin Beneath Eyes - Growing This Problem.Skin is the mirror of one's health. If you have mottled and depressed skin, it probably indicates poor inner health.

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  121. Always have a workout journal and log all of one's exercises, weights, sets, and reps. The most important thing to do aside by using great form on your heavy exercises is help to make it sure you are adding resistance or reps to each workout. You've to force the actual body to get used to the ever increasing loads. In order to do your workout that isn't same weights and reps your body will not adapt and gain tibialis posterior muscle. Keep a workout journal and also goals getting personal records each time you hit the gym. This is just about the of optimum bodybuilding tips that I'm able to give a person. Even it is actually just pushing a truly rep on a few sets you may have forced new adaptation is going to also add immediate muscle or strength development which can assist to build muscle faster prior to now.

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  126. The lure of profit is what drives these manufacturers in order to substandard appliances. This is why, instead of utilizing

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  128. As soon as an individual home, drink a protein shake with 40-50 grams of required protein amounts. Mix it with water support you rehydrate upon top of putting proteins into your blood supply. Estrogen is often a female sexual hormone in addition to its presence generally means which i have 'abnormal' amounts of the male growth hormone. High estrogen in men can lead to soft fat accumulating during gut, the back, the neck, face and buttocks. Some men also develop the dreaded man boobs, also termed as male jugg.


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  132. A visit to your dermatological clinic depends upon the necessity of the person based on many skin care opinions so anyone may possibly should visit usually while other people mightn't need. Make sure to pay attention to exactly what the skin specialist will express whenever you produce a consultation using a skin-treatment hospital and try to adhere to their tips.

  133. When collagen fibers aren't properly lubricated, they might get damaged easily. This will weaken the resilient nature of skin. Leuxia You should drink lots of water daily to replenish lost fluid. Also look to Anti Aging cream that contains CynergyTK, Phytessence Wakame and Nano Lipobelle HEQ10.a result the removing of waste products from your skin cells.


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  143. I'm for natural skin care. But consider my word for doing it! Try some out yourself, read customer reviews and represent your

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