This is important information. You need to protect your iPad from damage if dropped or prevent it from getting wet. Invest in a good case to protect your investment!
Sturdy Cases for the iPad
I give recognition to the QIAT (Quality Indicators for Assistive Technology) list serv for this list of “Sturdy Cases for the iPad”. The topic came up on the list serv with posts generated by experienced AT professionals. It seemed appropriate to share the suggested cases for others benefit:
Otterbox Defender Case - This case is what we have been using in our school. Staff has evidenced an iPad with a Otterbox case being dropped from about chest height on a concrete floor and another iPad being thrown on the floor. Both devices survived without any damage to them at all! Available for iPad, iPad2, iPod Touch, iPhone devices.

Trident Kraken Case - Constructed from impact-resistant polycarbonate and double-enforced with a shock absorbing silicone inner-sleeve. Corners feature double-thick silicone for outstanding protection against drops and other impacts. Available in different colors for iPad2, iPhone, iPod Touch. About $50 for iPad case.
Griffin Survivor case - This case is built for military duty grade protection and listed for extreme-duty. Sounds like it would work for some school situations! Comes in a few different colors for iPad2 and iPhone. Costs listed as $80 for iPad2.

Gumdrop case - This company has a variety of cases among which is a Drop Tech series case as well as a Military Edition case that are for durable for rugged use. Available for iPad2 and iPhone. Cost ranges from $60-70 for the iPad case.

Thanks to the QIATer’s for their expertise and time to shared their information on cases on the list serv that I am sharing with you. This was valuable information to have when needing to purchase a “sturdy” case for the iPad for some of the students and individuals that we work with. As an OT this was a valuable list to have when considering dedicating a student with a device that you have invested a lot of money, time as well as ensuring the safety of the user.
Anyone have any additions or comments?
Otterbox Defender Case - This case is what we have been using in our school. Staff has evidenced an iPad with a Otterbox case being dropped from about chest height on a concrete floor and another iPad being thrown on the floor. Both devices survived without any damage to them at all! Available for iPad, iPad2, iPod Touch, iPhone devices.

Trident Kraken Case - Constructed from impact-resistant polycarbonate and double-enforced with a shock absorbing silicone inner-sleeve. Corners feature double-thick silicone for outstanding protection against drops and other impacts. Available in different colors for iPad2, iPhone, iPod Touch. About $50 for iPad case.

Gumdrop case - This company has a variety of cases among which is a Drop Tech series case as well as a Military Edition case that are for durable for rugged use. Available for iPad2 and iPhone. Cost ranges from $60-70 for the iPad case.

Thanks to the QIATer’s for their expertise and time to shared their information on cases on the list serv that I am sharing with you. This was valuable information to have when needing to purchase a “sturdy” case for the iPad for some of the students and individuals that we work with. As an OT this was a valuable list to have when considering dedicating a student with a device that you have invested a lot of money, time as well as ensuring the safety of the user.
Anyone have any additions or comments?